Pittsville School District Athletic Online Registration
Parents, Complete Your Athletic Registration Online!
Step 1: Physical examination taken April 1 and thereafter is valid for the following two school years; physical
examination taken prior to April 1 is valid only for the remainder of that school year and the following school
year. In the second year, an Alternate Year Card must be filled out. A Physical or Alternate Year Card form
must be filled out and uploaded every year.
If you have questions regarding your physical status, please contact the HS office (715) 884-6412.
Step 2: Acknowledge Reading the WIAA Eligibility rules.
Step 3: Acknowledge Reading the Student Athlete Handbook.
Step 4: Fill out and submit the Emergency Card.
Step 5: Students and parents each acknowledge reading the Concussion Facts.
Online Athletic Registration Form
Once you complete these steps, you are registered and can participate in Pittsville athletics.